Русская версия  

Head office contacts:
7CH office, 59, 15 microdistrict,
Aktau city, Mangystau region,
Republic of Kazakhstan

Logistic Customs Cargo Terminal:
Kazakhstan, Aktau city, Industrial zone,
near the Plastical Mass Factory.
+7 (7292) 203-326, 203-327

Policy in the field of quality,
environmental protection and labour protection

The strategic decision of the Management of Caspian Global LLP is:

The maximum satisfaction of inquiries of clients on the basis of continuous improvement of quality of the rendered services, optimization of business processes, openness and transparency in the activity, in combination with ecologically focused methods of management, safety of work and preservation of health, and also increase of competitiveness in the market of services in transportation and logistics.
    1. The policy in the field of quality management, environmental protections and labour protection is realized in the way:
    1. ensuring compliance of quality management system, environmental protection and labour protection to requirements of the international ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 standards;
    2. accomplishment of legislative requirements and consumer requirements (clients) in the field of transport and logistics, and also environmental protections and labour protections;
    3. providing fixed increase of productivity of quality management system, environmental protection and management of labour protection and its improvement;
    4. to prevent environmental pollution, an industrial traumatism and incidence;
    5. ensuring success of the Company, growth in prosperity, preservation of health, efficiency of all workers and creation of safe working conditions.
    2. For realization of policy of the company is necessary to provide:
    1. 1. an integrated approach in the solution of problems of technical improvement at all stages of life cycle of rendering services;
    2. 2. the moral and material incentive of workers directed on improvement of quality of rendering services; 3. to warn possible occurrence of the risks connected with professional safety of workers the, and also consumers and persons performing works on contractual obligations with their health, labour protection and industrial safety; 4. effective and safe use of the equipment, motor transport, material and other consumed resources; 5. continuous training and professional development of the personnel for improvement of activity of the Company; 6. extension of the nomenclature of the rendered services.

The Management of Caspian Global LLP undertakes to follow the declared policy and encourage team work, and also personal initiative of employees at achievement of common goals of the company and in activities for improvement of functioning of the integrated system of management.

"Caspian Global" LLP
Nyazbekov E.B.

«05» January 2010

Provided services

Responsible warehousing of freights
The modern warehouse is a building where the space, some levels of security system, the round-the-clock video surveillance with fixing of all processes and the reliable qualitative equipment is professionally planned
Warehouse of temporary storage
The Warehouses of Temporary Storage (WTS) are intended for storage of goods under customs control for carrying out customs formalities (import export)
Customs warehouse
The Customs Warehouse is intended for storage of foreign goods under customs control for up to 3 years without customs clearance charge, taxes and without application of measures of non-tariff regulation
Customs registration
The group of specialists of the Company Caspian Global LLP is always glad to offer high-quality services in customs registration, in particular: customs registration of freights in all customs regulations; assistance in obtaining certificates of conformity, phytosanitary, sanitary and epidemiologic conclusions, licenses and special permissions to the imported production
International and local transportation of freight
Organization of various types of freight transportations (multimodal transportation)
Terminal processing and handling operations
The professional equipment and presence of the qualified employees allow making quickly all warehouse operations on safe loading and unloading of goods
Grain terminal

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