Русская версия  

Head office contacts:
7CH office, 59, 15 microdistrict,
Aktau city, Mangystau region,
Republic of Kazakhstan

Logistic Customs Cargo Terminal:
Kazakhstan, Aktau city, Industrial zone,
near the Plastical Mass Factory.
+7 (7292) 203-326, 203-327

Customs warehouse

The Customs Warehouse is intended for storage of foreign goods under customs control for up to 3 years without customs clearance charge, taxes and without application of measures of non-tariff regulation.

The total net volume of the Customs warehouse makes 1500 m3 of the closed areas and 5 000 sq.m of the open area. Under customs warehouse according to the customs legislation of RK and the Customs Union implementation of the following operations with the goods which didn't pass customs cleaning is authorized:-simple assembly operations, and also operations on, to sampling and samples, preparation of goods for sale and transportation, including fragmentation of the party, formation of sending’s, sorting, packing, repacking, marking, operations on improvement of a trade dress. - Concerning all or parts of the goods placed under a customs procedure of a customs warehouse can be made the transactions providing transfer of rights of possession, use and (or) the order of these goods. Advantages of application of the mode a customs warehouse for the participant of FEA.

The customs warehouse - is customs regulations at which the imported goods are stored under customs control free of customs duties and taxes (the VAT, excises) and without application to goods of measures of economic policy (licensing, quoting) for storage. The goods intended for export is stored under customs control with granting the privileges provided by the legislation (for example, release from the customs duties and taxes or return of the paid sums).
Value of a customs warehouse for business and foreign trade is defined first of all by that the goods placed under this mode, on the one hand, completely get under action of the general customs and tax regulation, and on the other hand, by means of special customs procedures opportunity to pay the customs duties or to be exposed to non-tariff measures of regulation (quoting, licensing, special permissions) only upon the concrete transaction is given.

In practice of foreign trade in some cases at the time of import of goods happens it isn't known how will dispose of imported goods. The placement of goods on a customs warehouse facilitates implementation of the foreign trade operations as allows the participant of FEA to choose between resending foreign goods abroad or its sale in the national market, conforming the choice to an economic activity of the relevant commodity market and other factors.

Use of the mode of a customs warehouse allows to carry out large purchases while the offer in a foreign market is submitted to the most favourable, and to sell when demand in domestic market of foreign countries is optimum. These benefits are realized in that measure in what the legislation provides to the owner of goods the terms sufficient to make the decision on final purpose of goods.

In the conditions of an aggravation of competitive fight the importance gets use of customs warehouses for granting to buyers the goods arriving in a replacement procedure, a guarantee aftersales service, etc.

When importing the mode of customs warehousing allows the businessman to avoid payment of all sum of the due customs payments, importing a large consignment of goods. Preference of import of large parties is explained by:
    1) economy reasons on overhead costs;
     2) "commercial mobility": having a sufficient stock of goods at the order, it is possible to guarantee in case of the conclusion of the contract delivery from a warehouse of goods in the shortest possible time.

Release from customs payments for the imported goods placed on a customs warehouse allows the importer to avoid an unprofitable situation when until the conclusion of the transaction (without any guarantees on fast sale of goods) the considerable sums of money going for payment of the customs duties and collecting "are frozen" by time.

Provided services

Responsible warehousing of freights
The modern warehouse is a building where the space, some levels of security system, the round-the-clock video surveillance with fixing of all processes and the reliable qualitative equipment is professionally planned
Warehouse of temporary storage
The Warehouses of Temporary Storage (WTS) are intended for storage of goods under customs control for carrying out customs formalities (import export)
Customs warehouse
The Customs Warehouse is intended for storage of foreign goods under customs control for up to 3 years without customs clearance charge, taxes and without application of measures of non-tariff regulation
Customs registration
The group of specialists of the Company Caspian Global LLP is always glad to offer high-quality services in customs registration, in particular: customs registration of freights in all customs regulations; assistance in obtaining certificates of conformity, phytosanitary, sanitary and epidemiologic conclusions, licenses and special permissions to the imported production
International and local transportation of freight
Organization of various types of freight transportations (multimodal transportation)
Terminal processing and handling operations
The professional equipment and presence of the qualified employees allow making quickly all warehouse operations on safe loading and unloading of goods
Grain terminal

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